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The Magician's Nephew

Author: C. S. Lewis
Genre: Fantasy
Number in series: 1

This book starts out in the late 1800s through the early 1900s in London. It starts out with a boy named Digory, and a girl named Polly. Soon they explore with each other and find some magical rings that transport you. They come across a place frozen in time called Charn, and meet some people frozen in there seats, and a bell with a hammer. Soon they come across a Queen with magical powers, and they come back to the real world with her! Soon they go into a world with nothing in it. Before you know it, the world of Narnia is formed before their very eyes, and in danger. Digory and Polly are sent on a mission to save it.

I think the message is to take care of others before you, because Digory and Polly save Narnia before saving Digory’s mother dies.

I thought this book was very interesting because of the magical stuff like the rings, witches, and creatures. I would rate this book a 5 out of 5 stars. The book was an easy read, even though it had 202 pages in my copy. I would recommend this book to people that are looking for a magical, adventurous book.